Constantine House

Constantine House is a student residence owned by the University of York. It is situated in St. Mary's, Bootham, York, England, about five minutes walk from King's Manor. It was one of the first buildings to be acquired by the university after it was founded in 1963.

Constantine House consists of two buildings joined by a suspended breezeway, representing Nos. 36-7, St Mary's. However, the name "Constantine House" only properly refers to No.37, the larger of the two buildings. They were built c.1840, possibly by George Townsend Andrews. They are now Grade II listed buildings accommodating 27 graduates, mostly in single study bedrooms but with some larger rooms suitable for couples. The rooms have washbasins and there are shared bathrooms, a common room, kitchens, and a car park. Priority is given for students attending courses at King's Manor. Residents have reported an antagonistic relationship with the university accommodations office.